Cocktail Wild

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Attempted Suicide recipe

A delicious recipe for Attempted Suicide, with Smirnoff® Raspberry Twist vodka, Captain Morgan® Parrot Bay coconut rum, peach schnapps, fruit juice, cantaloupe melon, strawberries and bananas. Also lists similar drink recipes.

1 bottle Smirnoff® Raspberry Twist vodka
1 bottle Captain Morgan® Parrot Bay coconut rum
1 bottle peach schnapps
3 bottles fruit juice
1 whole cantaloupe melon
1 pint ripe, sliced strawberries
3 – 6 ripe, sliced bananas

Cut the cantaloupe melon into small pieces. Mix all alcohol and fruit juice in a large container such as a cooler. Slice the fruit and place in the alcohol and let marinate. Serve in a tall glass with ice and fruit as garnish.

Serve in:
Hurricane Glass
