Cocktail Wild

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Category: Shots & Shooters

Total 1123 Posts

Warm Apple Pie recipe

A delicious recipe for Warm Apple Pie, with vodka, DeKuyper® Sour Apple Pucker schnapps, Goldschlager® cinnamon schnapps and whipped cream. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1/2 oz vodka1/4 oz DeKuyper® Sour Apple Pucker schnapps1/4 oz Goldschlager® cinnamon schnapps1/2 oz whipped cream Method:Carefully layer the liquors on top of one another

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Washington Apple Shot recipe

A delicious recipe for Washington Apple Shot, with Crown Royal® Canadian whisky, DeKuyper® Sour Apple Pucker schnapps, cranberry juice and 7-Up® soda. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1/3 oz Crown Royal® Canadian whisky1/3 oz DeKuyper® Sour Apple Pucker schnapps1/3 oz cranberry juice1 splash 7-Up® soda Method:Pour Crown Royal canadian whisky,

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Southern Rose recipe

A delicious recipe for Southern Rose, with Tequila Rose® strawberry cream liqueur and Southern Comfort® peach liqueur. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1/2 oz Tequila Rose® strawberry cream liqueur1/2 oz Southern Comfort® peach liqueur Method:Pour tequila rose and southern comfort in equal parts into a shot glass, and serve. Serve

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Tuaca Lemon Drop recipe

A delicious recipe for Tuaca Lemon Drop, with Tuaca® citrus liqueur, triple sec, sugar and sweet and sour mix. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1 oz Tuaca® citrus liqueur1/4 oz triple sec1/2 tsp sugar1/2 oz sweet and sour mix Method:Pour ingredients into a cocktail shaker with ice, and shake. Strain

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Touchdown recipe

A delicious recipe for Touchdown, with Absolut® Mandrin vodka and Red Bull® energy drink. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1 oz Absolut® Mandrin vodka6 oz Red Bull® energy drink Method:Fill a shot glass with Absolut Mandrin. Seperately, fill a highball glass a little less then 1/2 way with Red Bull.

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Throw Me Down and Fuck Me recipe

A delicious recipe for Throw Me Down and Fuck Me, with Southern Comfort® peach liqueur, Crown Royal® Canadian whisky, grenadine syrup and pineapple juice. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1 1/2 tsp Southern Comfort® peach liqueur1 1/2 tsp Crown Royal® Canadian whisky2 tsp grenadine syrup1 tsp pineapple juice Method:Place the

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Tie Dye recipe

A delicious recipe for Tie Dye, with sambuca and Tequila Rose® strawberry cream liqueur. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1/2 oz sambuca1/2 oz Tequila Rose® strawberry cream liqueur Method:Pour sambuca into a shot glass. Drop tequila rose into the center of the glass, and serve. Serve in:Shot Glass Nutrition:(per 1

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WOP recipe

A delicious recipe for WOP, with Midori® melon liqueur, triple sec and vodka. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1/3 oz Midori® melon liqueur1/3 oz triple sec1/3 oz vodka Method:Shake all ingredients with ice in a cocktail shaker. Strain into a shot glass, and serve. Serve in:Shot Glass Nutrition:(per 1 oz

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