Cocktail Wild

Best Cocktail recipes! Database of 9,000 drink mixtures!

Tag: apple

Total 109 Posts

Apple Granny Crisp recipe

A delicious recipe for Apple Granny Crisp, with apple schnapps, brandy, Irish cream, vanilla ice cream, crackers, whipped cream and cinnamon. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1 oz apple schnapps1/2 oz brandy1/2 oz Irish cream2 scoops vanilla ice cream2 crackers1/2 oz whipped cream1 pinch ground cinnamon Method:Combine all ingredients in

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Apple Fizz recipe

A delicious recipe for Apple Fizz, with apple brandy, apple juice, lime juice and soda water. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:2 oz apple brandy4 oz apple juice1/2 tsp fresh lime juice1 oz soda water Method:Pour the apple brandy, apple juice and lime juice into a highball glass almost filled

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Apple Cart recipe

A delicious recipe for Apple Cart, with apple brandy, Cointreau® orange liqueur and lemon juice. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1 oz apple brandy3/4 oz Cointreau® orange liqueur1/2 oz fresh lemon juice Method:Pour the apple brandy, Cointreau and lemon juice into an old-fashioned (preferably chilled) glass half-filled with ice cubes.

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Apple Dubonnet recipe

A delicious recipe for Apple Dubonnet, with apple brandy and Dubonnet® Rouge vermouth. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:2 oz apple brandy1 1/2 oz Dubonnet® Rouge vermouth Method:Pour the apple brandy and Dubonnet into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well. Strain into a chilled old-fashioned glass, garnish

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Apple Brandy Rickey recipe

A delicious recipe for Apple Brandy Rickey, with apple brandy, lime juice and club soda. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1 1/2 oz apple brandy3/4 oz fresh lime juice4 oz club soda Method:Pour the apple brandy and lime juice into a highball glass almost filled with ice cubes. Stir, and

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Apple Brandy Cooler recipe

A delicious recipe for Apple Brandy Cooler, with brandy, light rum, dark rum, apple juice, lime juice and sugar syrup. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:2 oz brandy1 oz light rum1 oz dark rum4 oz apple juice1/2 oz fresh lime juice1 tsp sugar syrup Method:Shake all ingredients (except dark rum)

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Apple Blow recipe

A delicious recipe for Apple Blow, with Applejack® brandy, lemon juice, egg, powdered sugar, apple juice and club soda. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1 1/2 oz Applejack® brandy1 tbsp lemon juice1 egg white1 tsp powdered sugar1 oz apple juice6 oz club soda Method:Pour the brandy, lemon juice, egg white,

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Apple Brandy Cocktail recipe

A delicious recipe for Apple Brandy Cocktail, with apple brandy, grenadine syrup and lemon juice. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1 1/2 oz apple brandy1 tsp grenadine syrup1 tsp lemon juice Method:Pour the apple brandy, grenadine and lemon juice into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake and strain

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