Cocktail Wild

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Tag: bourbon whiskey

Total 265 Posts

Mister Wu recipe

A delicious recipe for Mister Wu, with vodka, bourbon whiskey, lemon-lime soda and orange juice. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1 oz vodka2 oz bourbon whiskey3 oz lemon-lime soda1 dash orange juice Method:Pour two ounces of whiskey and one ounce of vodka on ice into a regular glass. Add three

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Mississippi Planters Punch recipe

A delicious recipe for Mississippi Planters Punch, with brandy, light rum, bourbon whiskey, lemons, powdered sugar and carbonated water. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1 oz brandy1/2 oz light rum1/2 oz bourbon whiskey juice of 1/2 lemons1 tbsp powdered sugar carbonated water Method:Shake all ingredients (except carbonated water) with ice

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Mint Julep recipe

A delicious recipe for Mint Julep, with mint, bourbon whiskey, powdered sugar and water. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:4 fresh mint sprigs2 1/2 oz bourbon whiskey1 tsp powdered sugar2 tsp water Method:Muddle mint leaves, powdered sugar, and water in a collins glass. Fill the glass with shaved or crushed

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Milk Punch recipe

A delicious recipe for Milk Punch, with bourbon whiskey, milk, dark rum, sugar syrup and nutmeg. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:3 oz bourbon whiskey3 oz milk1/2 tsp dark rum1 tbsp sugar syrup nutmeg Method:Shake liquors and milk with cracked ice and sugar syrup and strain into a chilled highball

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Midnight Cowboy recipe

A delicious recipe for Midnight Cowboy, with bourbon whiskey, dark rum and heavy cream. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:2 oz bourbon whiskey1 oz dark rum1/2 oz heavy cream Method:Combine ingredients in a shaker half-filled with ice cubes, shake well, and strain into a cocktail glass. Serve in:Cocktail Glass Nutrition:(per

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Sweet Manhattan #2 recipe

A delicious recipe for Sweet Manhattan #2, with sweet vermouth and bourbon whiskey. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:3 oz sweet vermouth3 oz bourbon whiskey Method:Serve on the rocks. Serve in:Old-Fashioned Glass Nutrition:(per 6 oz serving) Calories (kcal)Energy (kj)FatsCarbohydratesProtein 32713680 g12 g0 g FiberSugarsCholesterolSodiumAlcohol 0 g–0 mg6 mg46.8 g

Manhattan Bella recipe

A delicious recipe for Manhattan Bella, with Knob Creek® bourbon whiskey, Dubonnet® French vermouth, sweet vermouth and Angostura® bitters. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:2 1/2 oz Knob Creek® bourbon whiskey3/8 oz Dubonnet® French vermouth3/8 oz sweet vermouth2 dashes Angostura® bitters Method:Shake and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish

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Mandarine Bourbon recipe

A delicious recipe for Mandarine Bourbon, with Mandarine Napoleon® orange liqueur and bourbon whiskey. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1 part Mandarine Napoleon® orange liqueur2 parts bourbon whiskey Method:Stir and serve in an old-fashioned glass. Serve in:Old-Fashioned Glass Nutrition:(per 8 oz serving) Calories (kcal)Energy (kj)FatsCarbohydratesProtein 64326940 g29.3 g0 g FiberSugarsCholesterolSodiumAlcohol

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