Cocktail Wild

Best Cocktail recipes! Database of 9,000 drink mixtures!

Tag: cream

Total 195 Posts

Alexander The Great recipe

A delicious recipe for Alexander The Great, with creme de cacao, coffee liqueur, cream and vodka. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1/2 oz creme de cacao1/2 oz coffee liqueur1/2 oz cream1 1/2 oz vodka Method:Shake with ice and strain into a lowball glass. Serve in:Old-Fashioned Glass Nutrition:(per 3 oz serving)

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Cricket recipe

A delicious recipe for Cricket, with chocolate mint liqueur, white creme de cacao, cream and ice. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1 oz chocolate mint liqueur1 oz white creme de cacao1 oz cream ice Method:Combine ingredients in an ice-filled shaker. Shake well, strain into old-fashioned glass, and serve. Serve in:Old-Fashioned

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Cream Fizz recipe

A delicious recipe for Cream Fizz, with gin, powdered sugar, lemons, light cream and carbonated water. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:2 oz gin1 tsp powdered sugar juice of 1/2 lemons1 tsp light cream carbonated water Method:Shake all ingredients (except carbonated water) with ice and strain into a highball glass

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Cream Soda recipe

A delicious recipe for Cream Soda, with spiced rum and ginger ale. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1 oz spiced rum ginger ale Method:Pour the Spiced Rum into a highball glass with ice. Fill with Ginger Ale. Serve in:Highball Glass Nutrition:

Cream Cordial recipe

A delicious recipe for Cream Cordial, with condensed milk, coffee liqueur, whipping cream and eggs. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:14 oz sweetened condensed milk1 1/4 cups coffee liqueur1 cup whipping cream4 eggs Method:In blender container, combine all ingredients, blend until smooth. Serve over ice if desired. Store tightly covered

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Cognac Flip recipe

A delicious recipe for Cognac Flip, with egg, sugar syrup, cream, cognac and ice. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1 egg yolk1/2 oz sugar syrup3/4 oz cream1 3/4 oz cognac ice Method:Shake well all ingredients in a shaker. Strain into cocktail glass and grate some nutmeg on top. Serve in:Cocktail

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Coconut Cream Pie recipe

A delicious recipe for Coconut Cream Pie, with vanilla schnapps, Malibu® coconut rum and cream. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1 oz vanilla schnapps1 oz Malibu® coconut rum3 oz cream Method:Combine all ingredients into a shaker with ice shake & strain into cocktail glass. Serve in:Cocktail Glass Nutrition:(per 5 oz

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Cinnamon Cream recipe

A delicious recipe for Cinnamon Cream, with Goldschlager® cinnamon schnapps and A&W® vanilla cream soda. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1 part Goldschlager® cinnamon schnapps4 parts A&W® vanilla cream soda Method:Stir. Serve in:Highball Glass Nutrition:(per 8 oz serving) Calories (kcal)Energy (kj)FatsCarbohydratesProtein 26611150 g43.9 g0 g FiberSugarsCholesterolSodiumAlcohol 0 g43.7 g–23 mg19.7

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