Cocktail Wild

Best Cocktail recipes! Database of 9,000 drink mixtures!

Tag: month

Total 2 Posts

Irish Cream Liqueur recipe

A delicious recipe for Irish Cream Liqueur, with condensed milk, Irish whiskey, eggs, cream, chocolate syrup, coffee, vanilla extract and almond extract. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:14 oz sweetened condensed milk1 – 3/4 cup Irish whiskey4 eggs1 cup cream2 tbsp chocolate syrup1 tbsp instant coffee1 tsp vanilla extract1/2 tsp

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Time of the month recipe

A delicious recipe for Time of the month, with vodka, peach schnapps, triple sec, gin, orange juice, pineapple juice, ice and grenadine syrup. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1 shot vodka1 shot peach schnapps1 shot triple sec1 shot gin orange juice pineapple juice ice grenadine syrup Method:Mix the alcohol in

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