Cocktail Wild

Best Cocktail recipes! Database of 9,000 drink mixtures!

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Peach Melba Freeze recipe

A delicious recipe for Peach Melba Freeze, with peach schnapps, black raspberry liqueur, hazelnut liqueur, vanilla ice cream, light cream and raspberry jam. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:3/4 oz peach schnapps3/4 oz black raspberry liqueur3/4 oz hazelnut liqueur4 oz vanilla ice cream3/4 oz light cream1 oz raspberry jam Method:Combine

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Peach Cider recipe

A delicious recipe for Peach Cider, with DeKuyper® Peachtree schnapps and apple cider. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1 oz DeKuyper® Peachtree schnapps3 oz apple cider Method:Pour the DeKuyper Peachtree schnapps and apple cider into a highball glass half-filled with ice cubes. Stir gently, and serve. Serve in:Highball Glass Nutrition:(per

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Peach Blossom recipe

A delicious recipe for Peach Blossom, with vodka, peach schnapps and ginger ale. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:2 oz vodka1/2 oz peach schnapps5 1/2 oz ginger ale Method:Pour the vodka and peach schnapps into a collins glass filled with ice cubes. Stir well. Fill with ginger ale, stir again

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Peaceful Treasure recipe

A delicious recipe for Peaceful Treasure, with dark rum, orange juice, lemon juice, simple syrup and grenadine syrup. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1 oz dark rum4 oz orange juice3/4 oz lemon juice1 tsp simple syrup1 dash grenadine syrup Method:Pour the dark rum, citrus juices, simple syrup and grenadine into

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Pavlova Supreme recipe

A delicious recipe for Pavlova Supreme, with vodka and creme de cassis. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:2 oz chilled vodka1/2 oz creme de cassis Method:Pour the vodka and creme de cassis into a red wine glass filled with finely shaven ice, and serve. Serve in:Red Wine Glass Nutrition:(per 2.5

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Pavlova Peach recipe

A delicious recipe for Pavlova Peach, with Stoli® Persik vodka, cranberry juice and orange juice. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1 1/2 oz Stoli® Persik vodka2 oz cranberry juice2 oz orange juice Method:Pour the Stoli peach vodka (Persik), cranberry juice and orange juice into a cocktail shaker half-filled with cracked

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Passion Colada recipe

A delicious recipe for Passion Colada, with white rum, cream, passion-fruit juice and coconut syrup. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1 oz white rum2 oz cream2 oz passion-fruit juice1 oz coconut syrup Method:Pour the white rum, cream, passion-fruit juice and coconut syrup into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes.

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Passionate Sunset recipe

A delicious recipe for Passionate Sunset, with Alize® Gold Passion liqueur and Kool-Aid® Lemonade Tea mix. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:4 oz Alize® Gold Passion liqueur4 oz Kool-Aid® Lemonade Tea mix Method:Stir ingredients together in a collins glass filled with ice cubes, and serve. Serve in:Collins Glass Nutrition:(per 8

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