Cocktail Wild

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Tag: thai

Total 2 Posts

Thai Iced Coffee recipe

A delicious recipe for Thai Iced Coffee, with coffee, sugar, cream and cardamom. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients: strong black ground coffee1 tsp sugar cream cardamom Method:Prepare a pot of coffee at a good European strength. In the ground coffee, add 2 or 3 freshly ground cardamom pods. Sweeten

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Thai Iced Tea recipe

A delicious recipe for Thai Iced Tea, with Thai tea, water, condensed milk, ice cubes and mint. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1/4 cup strong Thai tea1/2 cup boiling water2 tsp sweetened condensed milk ice cubes garnish with mint Method:Combine Thai tea (i.e., the powder), boiling water, and sweetened condensed

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