Cocktail Wild

Best Cocktail recipes! Database of 9,000 drink mixtures!

Tag: top

Total 193 Posts

Ultra-Marine recipe

A delicious recipe for Ultra-Marine, with Blue Curacao liqueur and Champagne. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1/2 shot Blue Curacao liqueur top with Champagne Method:Add Blue curacao then top up with Champagne and garnish with a grape or strawberry. Serve in:Champagne Flute Nutrition:

Yummy Bidnis recipe

A delicious recipe for Yummy Bidnis, with vodka, passion-fruit juice, cranberry juice and ice. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1 1/2 oz vodka1 oz passion-fruit juice top with cranberry juice ice Method:Combine ingredients in highball glass and stir. Serve in:Highball Glass Nutrition:

Yo Mama Cocktail recipe

A delicious recipe for Yo Mama Cocktail, with Stoli® Ohranj vodka, soda water and orange juice. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1 1/2 oz Stoli® Ohranj vodka soda water1 splash orange juice Method:Pour vodka over ice in a highball glass. Add soda, top with a splash of orange juice, and

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Yellow Birdie recipe

A delicious recipe for Yellow Birdie, with vodka, creme de bananes and Sprite® soda. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1 oz vodka1 oz creme de bananes6 oz Sprite® soda Method:Pour Vodka into glass over ice followed by Creme de Banana, then top it up with Sprite & stir. *Can substitute

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Tropical Binalada recipe

A delicious recipe for Tropical Binalada, with Absolut® vodka, sweet and sour mix, creme de bananes, pineapple juice, ice and club soda. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1 oz Absolut® vodka2 oz sweet and sour mix1 oz creme de bananes4 oz pineapple juice ice top with club soda Method:Combine first

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Top Shelf Margarita recipe

A delicious recipe for Top Shelf Margarita, with Cointreau® orange liqueur, Grand Marnier® orange liqueur, sweet and sour mix, lime juice and tequila. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1/2 oz Cointreau® orange liqueur1/2 oz Grand Marnier® orange liqueur2 1/2 oz sweet and sour mix1 oz lime juice1 1/2 oz tequila

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Top Banana recipe

A delicious recipe for Top Banana, with creme de bananes, vodka and oranges. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1 oz creme de bananes1 oz vodka juice of 1/2 oranges Method:Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into an old-fashioned glass over ice cubes, and serve. Serve in:Old-Fashioned Glass Nutrition:

Thunder Quake recipe

A delicious recipe for Thunder Quake, with cherry brandy, cognac and white cider. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1 part cherry brandy1 part cognac fill with white cider Method:Swill the Congac around the glass then add the cider and float the brandy over the top. Serve in:Highball Glass Nutrition:(per 16

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