Cocktail Wild

Best Cocktail recipes! Database of 9,000 drink mixtures!

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Total 193 Posts

Tequila Bom-Bom recipe

A delicious recipe for Tequila Bom-Bom, with tequila and ginger ale. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:2 shots tequila2 shots ginger ale Method:Place a coaster on top, pound on table twice, guzzle it! Serve in:Cocktail Glass Nutrition:(per 4 oz serving) Calories (kcal)Energy (kj)FatsCarbohydratesProtein 1586640 g5.4 g0 g FiberSugarsCholesterolSodiumAlcohol 0 g5.3

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Tattooed Love Goddess recipe

A delicious recipe for Tattooed Love Goddess, with Absolut® vodka, vanilla schnapps, Godiva® chocolate liqueur and half-and-half. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1 oz Absolut® vodka1 oz vanilla schnapps1 1/2 oz Godiva® chocolate liqueur fill with half-and-half Method:Fill glass w/ ice, add all liquers, top off w/cream and shake well.

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Tap That Ass recipe

A delicious recipe for Tap That Ass, with Hennessy® cognac, Alize® Red Passion liqueur, Alize® Gold Passion liqueur, cranberry juice and soda water. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1 oz Hennessy® cognac1 oz Alize® Red Passion liqueur1 oz Alize® Gold Passion liqueur1 splash cranberry juice top with soda water Method:Fill

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Stinger Shot recipe

A delicious recipe for Stinger Shot, with vodka, white creme de menthe and Tabasco® sauce. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:3 cl vodka2 cl white creme de menthe1/2 cl Tabasco® sauce Method:Tabasco in the bottom of the shot. Pour Vodka and Cr?me de M?nthe gently on top. Shoot! Serve in:Shot

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Speedball recipe

A delicious recipe for Speedball, with vodka, gin, tequila and lime juice. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1 part vodka1 part gin1 part tequila lime juice Method:Pour the alcoholic ingredients into a shot glass and squeeze a little amount of lime juice on top. Serve in:Shot Glass Nutrition:

Sparkplug recipe

A delicious recipe for Sparkplug, with Bacardi® 151 rum and Rumple Minze® peppermint liqueur. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1/2 shot Bacardi® 151 rum1/2 shot Rumple Minze® peppermint liqueur Method:Pour Bacardi 151 in the shot glass first, then pour Rumplminze on top, do not mix. Serve in:Shot Glass Nutrition:(per 1

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Southwest Cooler recipe

A delicious recipe for Southwest Cooler, with cranberry juice, pineapple juice and DeKuyper® Cactus Juice schnapps. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:2 parts cranberry juice2 parts pineapple juice1 part DeKuyper® Cactus Juice schnapps Method:Pour the juices first, then top off with the liqueur. Serve in:Collins Glass Nutrition:

Sombrero recipe

A delicious recipe for Sombrero, with coffee brandy and light cream. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1 1/2 oz coffee brandy1 oz light cream Method:Pour brandy into an old-fashioned glass over ice cubes. Float cream on top and serve. Serve in:Old-Fashioned Glass Nutrition:(per 2.5 oz serving) Calories (kcal)Energy (kj)FatsCarbohydratesProtein 190797–––

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