Cocktail Wild

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Tag: white creme de menthe

Total 76 Posts

Stinger Shot recipe

A delicious recipe for Stinger Shot, with vodka, white creme de menthe and Tabasco® sauce. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:3 cl vodka2 cl white creme de menthe1/2 cl Tabasco® sauce Method:Tabasco in the bottom of the shot. Pour Vodka and Cr?me de M?nthe gently on top. Shoot! Serve in:Shot

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Stinger recipe

A delicious recipe for Stinger, with brandy and white creme de menthe. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1 1/2 oz brandy1/2 oz white creme de menthe Method:Shake ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve. Serve in:Cocktail Glass Nutrition:(per 2 oz serving) Calories (kcal)Energy (kj)FatsCarbohydratesProtein 1636840 g10 g1.9

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Springbok recipe

A delicious recipe for Springbok, with white creme de menthe, amarula cream liqueur and cream. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:3/4 oz white creme de menthe1/4 oz amarula cream liqueur1 dash cream Method:Layer the amarula gently onto the creme de menthe and then add a thin layer of cream. Serve

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Siberian Slider recipe

A delicious recipe for Siberian Slider, with white creme de menthe, vodka and white rum. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1 oz white creme de menthe1 oz vodka1 oz white rum Method:Mix equal parts into a tumber filled with cracked ice. Stir liberally and sip slowly. Serve in:Old-Fashioned Glass Nutrition:(per

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Scotch Cooler recipe

A delicious recipe for Scotch Cooler, with Scotch whisky, white creme de menthe and carbonated water. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:2 oz Scotch whisky3 dashes white creme de menthe carbonated water Method:Pour scotch and creme de menthe over ice cubes in a highball glass. Fill with carbonated water, stir,

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Scope recipe

A delicious recipe for Scope, with white creme de menthe and ginger ale. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:2 shots white creme de menthe1 glass ginger ale Method:Put double of creme de menthe in a 10-12 oz (300-350ml) glass and fill to the top with ginger ale, tonic, or soda

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Button Hook Cocktail recipe

A delicious recipe for Button Hook Cocktail, with brandy, apricot brandy, anis liqueur and white creme de menthe. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:1/2 oz brandy1/2 oz apricot brandy1/2 oz anis liqueur1/2 oz white creme de menthe Method:Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve. Serve

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Bitch-On-Wheels recipe

A delicious recipe for Bitch-On-Wheels, with gin, dry vermouth, white creme de menthe and Pernod® licorice liqueur. Also lists similar drink recipes. Ingredients:2 oz gin1/2 oz dry vermouth1/2 oz white creme de menthe1 tsp Pernod® licorice liqueur Method:In a mixing glass half-filled with ice cubes, combine all of the ingredients.

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